Electric Sheep is a dark theme for Visual Studio Code. It is designed to be
readable, higher contrast, draw your attention to the code, lightweight, and
look 'not bad'.
package.json - this is the manifest file that defines the location of the theme file and specifies the base theme of the theme.
themes/ElectricSheep-color-theme.json - the color theme definition file.
icons.json - icon definition file.
Run & Modify
Press F5 to open a new window with the extension loaded.
Open File > Preferences > Color Themes and pick your color theme.
Open a file that has a language associated. The languages' configured grammar will tokenize the text and assign 'scopes' to the tokens. To examine these scopes, invoke the Developer: Inspect Editor Tokens and Scopes command from the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P on Mac).
Changes to the theme file are automatically applied to the Extension Development Host window.
The token colorization is done based on standard TextMate themes. Colors are matched against one or more scopes.
To learn more about scopes and how they're used, check out the color theme documentation.