Small helper extension for splitting team DSL into shared files, managing paths to tools and starting them.
Currently offers the following small commands:
Save to shared - which simply looks at the current DSL file and splits into sharedmodel and sharedviews files, and stores them in the teamfolder in the combined AD root (also by convention). The location of the combined (tmp) AD root can be changed in configuration.
Toggle auto of Save to shared - this turns on automatic split and save of DSL on save, for all DSL files.
Start generatr - given that the tools have been installed and are located in the expected location, this will start generatr in a terminal. The DSL file is the department base DSL file. It is set in the configuration. There is also a command to:
start generatr on the currently opened file.
show the generatr terminal panel and one to close the started generatr terminal.
Render a PlantUML diagram and copy to assets - this command works on .puml files and also does two things; it renders the diagram and then copies that rendered image file to the assets directory for use by generatr.
Toggle auto of render and copy - this command turns on automatic render & copy of any .puml file, on save.
The utility also shows a small statusbar item, which you can click to view the extensions log output. There is also one convenience command:
Start Plantuml picoserver - convenience command to start PlantUML pico server in a terminal. Port is configurable. The purpose is to use with the vs code PlantUML preview plugin ( github). To use it, the plantuml plugin needs to be configured to use server render, and to use e g http://localhost:8000 as server (plantuml plugin readme).
Pre-requisites: Run installation script.
Currently, extension assumes that the tools have been installed. Run the script to install everything as expected.
Go to vs code settings and search for C4 helper, or click in the tree - Extensions, C4 Helper.