This extension provides editing capabilities powered by the hgbasm compiler, which supports the RGBDS assembly language for Game Boy as well as hgbasm-specific language extensions. The extension can be installed from here.
Syntax highlighting of hgbasm and RGBDS syntaxes as well as linkerscripts
Auto-completion of instructions, functions, defined symbols, and more
Go To Definition, Find All References, and Rename functionality for user-defined symbols
Document outlining and folding based on sections, global labels, and local labels
Analytical information exposed on hover or as CodeLens items
Automatic formatting of lines or whole documents
Symbol information on hover
Signature help for built-in functions
This extension does not require anything else to be installed in order to provide editing functionality. However, to actually compile your Game Boy project, you should install hgbasm-cli through NPM or use standalone RGBDS binaries.
To enable the use of hgbasm-specific features, add this line at the top of the file:
#mode hgbasm
Extension Settings
Key settings:
hgbasm.analysisHoverEnabled: Enable/disable analysis information on hover. Defaults to enabled.
hgbasm.analysisCodeLensEnabled: Enable/disable analysis information codelens. Defaults to enabled.
hgbasm.formattingEnabled: Enable/disable automatic formatting. Defaults to enabled.
hgbasm.autoCompleteEnabled: Enable/disable autocompletion. Defaults to enabled.
For full control over the compiler settings used when editing your project, create a file called gbconfig.json in the root of your project and configure the settings within as appropriate.
Known Issues
Extremely large projects which split source code across many files will load very slowly or not at all.
Release Notes
Improved support for interdependent file compilation and revised settings.