HTTL for Visual Studio Code
HTTL for VS Code brings powerful language support for the HTTL programming language, making it easy to write, execute, and test HTTP requests directly within VS Code.
What is HTTL?
If you search for an "HTTP programming language," you'll likely be told that HTTP is just a protocol, not a language. But why isn’t there a dedicated language for writing HTTP requests?
Think of how SQL allows structured data retrieval or how Terraform enables infrastructure as code. HTTL does the same for HTTP requests and API testing.
- Intuitive and easy to learn – Simple syntax designed for API workflows.
- Intelligent OpenAPI support – Get smart IntelliSense suggestions.
- Reusable requests – Save responses as variables for use in headers, bodies, and follow-up requests.
- Built-in test scenarios – Write and run API tests natively, without mixing in JavaScript or Python.
🚀 Meet HTTL – The first HTTP programming language! 🎉
With HTTL, you can replace UI-based tools like Postman or Insomnia with a powerful, code-first experience in VS Code.
Quick Start
1. Install HTTL for VS Code
Get the extension from the VS Code Marketplace.
2. Open or create an .httl
The extension activates automatically when you open an .httl
3. Write and run your first request
Press F5 or Ctrl | Cmd + Enter to execute.
(HTTL file)
4. Use Quick Run (Optional)
If you don’t want to create a file, open the Quick Run panel to execute one-off requests.
Note: Some features, like IntelliSense and formatting, are not available in Quick Run.
(Quick Run)
Learn More
Check out the HTTL Documentation for full language details and advanced features.
View License
Happy coding! 🎉