The extensions can be installed directly from within VSCode by searching for this extension (GerhardBrueckl.onelake-vscode) or downloaded from the official Visual Studio Code extension gallery at OneLake VSCode and installed manually as VSIX.
Custom File System Provider onelake:/ to browse through the OneLake directly from VSCode Explorer
The extension supports the following VSCode settings:
Example value
(Optional) The tenant ID of the remote tenant that you want to connect to OneLake.
A GUID, abcd1234-1234-5678-9abcd-9d1963e4b9f5
(Optional) A custom ClientID/Application of an AAD application to use when connecting to OneLake.
A GUID, 99887766-1234-5678-9abcd-e4b9f59d1963
Custom File System Provider
Using the Custom File System Provider for the scheme onelake:/ you can now mount OneLake folders directly into the VSCode Explorer. The browser is Read-Only as of now. You can easily drag&drop files and folders from OneLake into your local file system to download them.