Vue Component Importer (deprecated)
⚠️ Note: This extension has been deprecated in favor of using Vetur which now has Auto import component on type-ahead since version 0.30.0.
Be sure to enable this on your settings.json to match the casing of your file:
"vetur.completion.tagCasing": "initial"
Adds import statement and component property to current .vue single file component file. Imports kebab-case.vue or PascalCase.vue .
- Placing your cursor on the component tag inside
<template /> section and triggering keybind/command pallete.
- (TODO) specifying component name in command pallete.
- (TODO) import all components in file in one go.
(place cursor on MyComponent tag)
<MyComponent />
export default {};
Press keybinding (default: ctrl+i / MacOS = cmd+i) or Command Pallete Vue: Import vue component at cursor
<MyComponent />
import MyComponent from '../../../MyComponent.vue';
export default {
components: {
Extension Settings
vue-component-importer.enableDebugMessages : enable/disable debug messages
Extension Keybinding
Ctrl+i (MacOS = Cmd+i) : Trigger cursor position import
Extension Command Pallete
Vue: Import vue component at cursor
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