PowerApps Portals Local Source ControlThis extension provides a local source control of Power Apps portals code including web files like images or style sheets, web templates and content snippets. Once configured, the extension loads all portal code and files to a local project folder. Then, you can edit, create or delete files. These changes can be pushed to the portal using the source control pane within visual studio code.
FeaturesModify fileYou can modify web files, content snippets and web template code:
Add new (Web) FileYou can add new web files, new templates and new content snippets. For new content snippets, the language is applied by following the language code from the path. Delete FilesYou can delete web files, templates and content snippets. Refresh to get latest changesYou can refresh the remote changes. This will download all files. If there are changes, they will appear in the source control pane. Periodic fetchingBy default, the extension will fetch incremental changes made in Dynamics every two minutes. You can change this behavior. Open Discard local changesWithin the source control pane, you can click discard to discard all your local changes with the cached origin. To get the latest changes from origin, make sure to hit refresh. SetupGo to the VSCode Marketplace page of the extension and install the extension. After installing, open the command prompt (Ctrl + P or ⌘+ P) and type AuthenticationThere are two methods you can use to connect this extension with your CDS/Dynamics instance.
In most cases, user account will be the preferred method because it's easier to setup and all the changes will be in the user context. User Account (Device Code)This extension connects to your CDS/Dynamics instance with a Device Code flow. This means that in order to connect to your instance you need to have the following information ready:
User Account - Create AAD AppTo setup an app registration, just follow these steps: Summary:
User Account - Extension SetupOpen the command prompt in VSCode (Ctrl + P or ⌘+ P) and type After the initial setup the extension will prompt you to copy a code and click on Ok to open the browser Congratulations! The setup is finished. Application User (Client Credentials)This extension connects to your CDS/Dynamics instance with a client credentials authentication flow. This means that in order to connect to your instance you need to have the following information ready:
If you already have an application user in Dynamics connected to an app registration in Azure Active Directory (AAD), then you are good to go. If you do not have this yet, then follow this guide to set everything up: Application User - Create AAD AppFirst, you have to create a new 'Application Registration' in Azure Active Directory. Follow the guide on the official Microsoft documentation: Tutorial: Register an app with Azure Active Directory Lastly, you have to create the client secret which the application is going to use to obtain the token. Within the app registration page, go to Certificates & secrets Then, create a new client secret and specify a life time. Make sure to note down this secret because it will disappear once the page is closed. Finally, to obtain all Ids you need in the following step, go to the Overview page and note down the highlighted values: Application User - Create Application UserNow, you have to create an Application User in Dynamics. This will be the user this extension uses to load and upload portal data. Make sure, you have the client id ready from the previous step. To create this user, follow the guide on the official Microsoft documentation: Create Application User
Application User - Security Roles: Required Entities
ConfigurationTo start using this application, issue the command >PowerApps Portals Configure Alternatively, you can also configure the extension from the settings.json located in
Information about the selected portal is stored in
What happens with the client secret?The client secret is stored encrypted on your local system keychain keytar. Where this is stored depends on your operating system. Quoting from the project:
The key takeaway here is that the secret is not stored somewhere in your project code. LimitationsCurrently, this extension supports
All other entity types are currently not supported. Support for web links etc. might come in the future. Also, this extension does not create pages automatically, while you can create new web templates you still have to go to Dynamics to create a new web page and add the template to the web page manually. In addition, there is no auto completion support but this might also be added in the future. This extension uses the source control pane in Visual Studio Code to show changes. However, this extension does not provide a source control history. You cannot undo a commit to the portal origin. Similarly, if you choose to checkout the files from the portal origin with your local files, you basically overwrite your local files with the portal files in your online Dynamics. This limitation also applies to merge conflicts. Before committing your changes, always make sure you are using the most recent online file version. When you commit your files you are overwriting the origin file, not merging it. Known IssuesIssues are tracked here: https://github.com/felixSchober/VSCode-PowerAppsPortal-Extension/issues Release Notes0.1.0Initial preview release of extension 0.1.5
0.2.0Folder Mode for Web Files: Web Files are now represented according to the path within the Portal. E.g. if the parent page of an image is called Migration for Folder Mode: There is a migration assistant that asks the user if he wants to migrate from the previous mode to the new folder mode. This assistant is triggered once the source control pane is clear (no changes) and the extension starts. It is also possible to manually switch by changing a setting Periodic Refresh: Now, the extension loads data from Dynamics every two minutes to make sure that the data is always at the most recent state. However, for use cases with multiple developers it's still a good idea to use a repository in combination with this extension. Incremental Refresh When the application reloads, only the most recent changes are loaded. Users can still click on "Refresh" in the source control pane or in the status bar to get a full refresh. Hide Commit Warning The warning that committing data will override the data in Dynamics can now be overridden so that it doesn't show each time a user commits something. Inactive Record filtering Inactive records are now filtered out by default. Bug Fixes I fixed some of the old bugs but there will be new bugs. Sorry for that ;) 0.3.1Device Code Authentication Addition of additional user authentication method called Device Flow. This authentication method allows a user to make changes in the context of their own user instead of an application user. In addition, there is also significant less setup needed for this method. 0.3.2Content Snippets Bug Fixes When adding a new content snippet the extension used to include the language code into the name of the content snippet. This is now fixed. Content Snippet Delete from Extension When deleting a content snippet in the extension the SCM window was not updated to show it as deleted. Added .git to portal ignore manager When using the extension in combination with a git repository, sometimes .git files would show up. Creating web files When creating new web files it used to take the path prefix as the partial web file URL. This has been fixed. 0.4.0Security Fixes Dependencies were updated to the latest version which includes fixes for some security issues. Webfile encoding fix CSS files that have been created by a template are encoded with UTF-16LE vs. UTF-8 as it was before. This led to issue when using the extension with a new portal. Webpage root fix When uploading new webfiles under the root web page the extension tried to find a parent 'home' page. When multiple pages without a parent page are found this can lead to issues. The extension now searches for pages that both have no parent page and are also a root page. 0.4.1vscode engine upgrade vscode engine was upgraded to vscode 1.69.0. Contributing
ReleaseThe extension will automatically perform a release when merging to main. Before creating a merge, make sure the points in the checklist below are met. Checklist:
CreditsIcons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com |