quick-ray-dumper 🛸This extension helps you to generate spatie/ray debug syntax, no longer need to type manually :fire:. Support Syntax
Supported CommandRay: Variable - Display a string, array or object (ctrl+alt+p command shortcut)
Ray: Variable - Display a string, array or object (ctrl+alt+d command shortcut)
Ray: Views - Display all views
Ray: Env - Display environment variables
Ray: Requests - Display all requests
Ray: Model - Display the attributes and relations of a model
Ray: Carbon - Send Carbon instances to Ray
Ray: Classname - Send the classname of an object to Ray
Ray: Backtrace - Check entire backtrace
Ray: Caller - Discover where code is being called
Ray: Clear Screen - Clear current screen
Ray: Clear All - Clear current and all previous screens
Ray: Count - Count how many times a piece of code is called
Ray: Measure - Display runtime and memory usage
Ray: Pause - Pause execution
Ray: PHP Info - Display PHP info
Ray: Separtor - Add a visual separator
Ray: Trace - Check entire backtrace
Ray: Exception - Display extended information about an Error or Exception
Ray: HTML - Send HTML to Ray
Ray: Image - Display an image in Ray
Ray: JSON - Send JSON to Ray
Ray: Text - Display the raw text for a string while preserving whitespace formatting
Ray: XML - Display formatted XML in Ray
Ray: Queries - Display all queries that are executed
Ray: Queries (Callback) - Display all queries that are executed in Callback
Ray: Stop Show Queries - Stop displaying queries
Ray: Count Queries - Count all queries that are executed within a callable
Ray: Duplicate Queries - Display all duplicated queries that are executed
Ray: Stop Show Duplicated Queries - Stop displaying duplicated queries
Ray: Duplicate Queries (callback) - Display all duplicated queries that are executed in callback
Ray: Slow Queries - Display all queries that take longer than N milliseconds to execute
Ray: Slow Queries (callback) - Display all queries that take longer than N milliseconds to execute in callback
Ray: Events - Display all events that are executed
Ray: Stop Show Events - Stop Displaying all events that are executed
Ray: Events (Callback) - Display all events that are executed in callback
Ray: Jobs - Display all jobs that are executed
Ray: Stop Show Jobs - Stop Displaying jobs
Ray: Jobs (Callback) - Display all jobs that are executed in callback
Ray: Cache - Display all cache events that are executed
Ray: Stop Show Cache - Stop displaying cache
Ray: Http Client Requests - Display all http client requests that are executed
Ray: Stop Show Http Client Requests - Stop displaying http client requests
Ray: Http Client Requests (callback) - Display all http client requests that are executed in callback
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