spaceengineers-helper README
Документация на русском
This extension created to make development of Space Engineers(SE) scripts easier.
Every line here have GIF-demonstration thats not seen from VS Code. Go to repository to see all demo GIFs.
- Creates environment for SE script development:
- Builds command block files for your programm by seeking for dependencies you used:
- No more 1000+ lines code files:
- Use as much decomposition as you need:
Known Issues
Definitely have some issues. If you found one feel free to contact with me (Gitlab - by creating issue, Discord)
Release Notes
- Dependency tree build looping that leaded to huge build time
- Removed forgotten "Hello world" command
- Roslyn code parsing API implemeted and invoked as child process
- SetBaseProjZipUrl implemented, now it is possible to specifiy own .zip archive download path, and use any desired template of the base project
- BuildCommandBlockFileToClipboard implemented, that allows to build file directly to clipboard
- .csproj file now needs GamePath set only once, insted of ~10 entrance change
- BuildCommandBlockFile command fixed, and now uses codeparseengine for much easier support
- Minor fixes and improvements
- Retargeted to master branch of BaseProject by default
- Improved BaseProject usability for either UNIX or Windows systems
- Typo in description fixed (hopefully last one >_<)
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