Global Variables conflicted with this extension. Please consider convert your scripts before using this extension. Support for Global Variables may be added in the far future.
Extension Settings
Translation Selection - The translation selected for conversation flowchart. Default to 'en'.
Copy utils/src/i18n/data/en.json to utils/src/i18n/data/[locale_code].json then translate it.
The [locale_code] part is referer to the list here. If the locale contains a dash -, please convert it to an underscore _.
Copy package.nls.json to package.nls.[locale-code].json then translate it.
This time you should not convert any dash to underscore.
Add new imports on utils/src/i18n/i18n.ts:
import en from './data/en.json';
import zh_cn from './data/zh_cn.json';
// ...
import locale_code_with_underscore from './data/[locale_code_with_underscore].json'; // New
// Translation table
const translations: Map<string, TTranslation> = new Map([
["en", en as TTranslation],
["zh-cn", zh_cn as TTranslation],
// ...
["[locale-code-with-dash]", locale_code_with_underscore as TTranslation], // New
// ...
If you want to test run the project. You need to install Node.js and do npm install. After that just reload your VSCode then hit F5.
Push your codes
Submit a Pull Request onto the main branch. Once everything checked your work will be merged.
Helps on translating this extension are welcomed. Please consider submitting your Pull Request onto the repository. 🥺
Release Notes
0.5.x pre-release
Add Language Server for BetonQuest v1 and v2 scripts
Add Definitions and References searching
Add Semantic Highlight
Add Code Completions (wip)
Add Citizens integrations
Add some missing translation
Fit modal and radio styles
Set default new conversation multilingual mode to false
Fix various bugs
Fully supports Japanese 日本語に完全対応 (contributed by shanaOP @dusty01534)
Add "goto" support, now you can jump between the code and the editor when clicking on an Events / Objectives / Conditions
Adjust flowchart style to better suite VSCode's color theme