BMD Fusion scripting extension for VSCode
Helps you setup your workspace to work as flawlessly as possible when scripting for BMD Fusion.

Download it from the marketplace:
- Generate launch.json configs for your Fusion instance
- Custom filepaths
- Custom host
- Lua and Python
- Custom name
- Add python stubs for Fusions python API to get IntelliSense support.
- Execute scripts directly from VSCode
Generate launch configs
Quicky setup launch configs for your workspace to launch your Fusion scripts directly from VSCode to your wanted Fusion host
Add python stubs for Fusions python API
Add fusion stubs for your workspace to get IntelliSense code suggestions directly in VSCode!
Execute scripts directly from VSCode
With everything installed you can now quick and easy do scripting for Fusion!
To build
cd .\BMD-Fusion-Scripting-Stubs\
git checkout -b local-main origin/main
git pull
cd ..
vsce package
vsce publish
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