Clipboard Manager

Keep a history of your copied and cut items and re-paste, without override the Ctrl+C
and Ctrl+V
keyboard shortcuts.
To pick a copied item, only run Ctrl+Shift+V
- Save history of all copied and cut items
- Can check copied items outside the VSCode (
"clipboard-manager.onlyWindowFocused": false
- Paste from history (
=> Pick and Paste)
- Preview the paste
- Snippets to paste (Ex.
clip01, clip02, ...
- Remove selected item from history
- Clear all history
- Open copy location
- Double click in history view to paste
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings (default values):
// Avoid duplicate clips in the list
"clipboard-manager.avoidDuplicates": true,
// Time in milliseconds to check changes in clipboard. Set zero to disable.
"clipboard-manager.checkInterval": 500,
// Maximum clipboard size in bytes.
"clipboard-manager.maxClipboardSize": 1000000,
// Maximum number of clips to save in clipboard
"clipboard-manager.maxClips": 100,
// Move used clip to top in the list
"clipboard-manager.moveToTop": true,
// Get clips only from VSCode
"clipboard-manager.onlyWindowFocused": true,
// View a preview while you are choosing the clip
"clipboard-manager.preview": true,
// Set location to save the clipboard file, set false to disable
"clipboard-manager.saveTo": null,
// Enable completion snippets
"clipboard-manager.snippet.enabled": true,
// Maximum number of clips to suggests in snippets (Zero for all)
"clipboard-manager.snippet.max": 10,
// Default prefix for snippets completion (clip1, clip2, ...)
"clipboard-manager.snippet.prefix": "clip"
Copy to history:

Pick and Paste:

- Donation is as per your goodwill to support my development.
- If you are interested in my future developments, i would really appreciate a small donation to support this project.
Pix (Brazil)