Ember QUnit Testem launcher
Opens Testem URL for current test file module
Testem: Start server and open module command:
- Checks if Testem server can be reached
- Starts Testem command in integrated terminal if not and waits for server to be running
- Opens URL in your default browser with
moduleId of the topmost module in the current open file
Extension Settings
- testemLauncher.testemStartServerCmd - shell command used to start Testem server. Override if you use custom script.
- testemLauncher.testemServerURL - base URL of Testem server. Override if you run Testem remotely or on different port.
- testemLauncher.testemURLSessionId - number used to append to the URL which identifies the browser session in Testem console.
Install from Extensions market place:
Or build locally:
npm install -g vsce
vsce package
Then install the generated vsxi file from Extensions menu in VS Code
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