Terrarium-VSCode is an extension that enhances your Terraform development experience by providing intelligent autocompletion for indexed Terraform modules.
Key Features
Module Autocompletion: Easily access autocompletion suggestions for Terraform modules.
Dependency Autocompletion: Receive autocompletion suggestions for linked dependencies.
Value Autocompletion: Get autocompletion suggestions for values related to linked dependencies.
Before you can start benefiting from the Terrarium-VSCode extension, make sure to complete the following prerequisites:
Install Terrarium CLI: Ensure that you have the Terrarium CLI installed on your machine. You can follow the installation process in the CLI Installation Guide.
Verify installation: Confirm that the Terrarium CLI is correctly installed by executing terrarium version in your terminal.
Terrarium - VS Code Extension: You can install the Terrarium-VSCode extension in two ways: directly from this webpage or from within Visual Studio Code (VS Code).
Click the three dots (ellipsis) and choose Install from VSIX
Locate and select the downloaded .vsix extension package.
Click Install
Option 2: Install from Within VS Code
Open Visual Studio Code.
Go to Extensions (Ctrl+Shift+X or Cmd+Shift+X).
Search for the extension "Terrarium"
Click "Install" on the extension.
Restart VS Code: Restart your Visual Studio Code editor to apply any necessary changes.
Open or Create Terraform Workspace: To begin using the Terrarium-VSCode extension, you should either open a workspace containing Terraform files or create a new Terraform file within your project.
Trigger Autocompletion: While editing Terraform files in VS Code, you can prompt autocompletion suggestions by pressing ctrl + space.
Run Terrarium CLI
follow the installation process at setup.md run the latest version of terrarium CLI binary.