Better Align for Visual Studio Code

Better vertical alignment with/without selection in any language for any characters or words.
- Allow align code in any language
- Align code by any characters
- Smart align with or without selection
- Auto align after you type enter
Place your cursor at where you want your code to be aligned, and use shortcut alt + A
or invoke the Align
command via Command Palette.

Extension Configuration
Default value:
betterAlign.surroundSpace : {
"colon" : [0, 1], // The first number specify how much space to add to the left, can be negative.
// The second number is how much space to the right, can be negative.
"assignment" : [1, 1], // The same as above.
"arrow" : [1, 1], // The same as above.
"comment" : 2 // Special how much space to add between the trailing comment and the code.
// If this value is negative, it means don't align the trailing comment.
// Orignal code
var abc = {
hello: 1
,my :2//comment
,friend: 3 // comment
// "colon": [0, 1]
// "comment": 2
var abc = {
hello : 1
, my : 2 // comment
, friend: 3 // comment
// "colon": [1, 2]
// "comment": 4
var abc = {
hello : 1
, my : 2 // comment
, friend : 3 // comment
// "colon": [-1, 3]
// "comment": 2
var abc = {
hello: 1
, my: 2 // comment
, friend: 3 // comment
// "colon": [-1, -1]
// "comment": 2
var abc = {
, my:2 //comment
, friend:3 // comment
// Orignal code
$data = array(
'text' => 'something',
'here is another' => 'sample'
// "arrow": [1, 3]
$data = array(
'text' => 'something',
'here is another' => 'sample'
If you've found a bug, please file at
If you'd like to help out, fork the repo and submit pull requests.
This work is licensed under Apache License 2.0
The codebase is based on this repository. Thanks @WarWithinMe.