code-svg README
VSCode extension with advanced features that help making and editing raw svg files.
- advanced preview
- auto update on save (it retains its state (zoom, position, ...))
- change background (transparent, white, black, bright checkerboard, dark checkerboard), choose background everywhere or only behind the svg
- zoom in/out, move around
- show the user coordinates, right-click to make the coodinates stay after moving mouse
- reset to default zoom and position
- preview button
Planned features
- Better syntax highlighting
- Better intelisense
- Select svg elements to do operations on them (move, rotate, mirror, ...)
Extension Settings
svg.preview.retainState , disable this to reset the preview state when it goes to background, (disable for less used resources)
Known Issues
Release Notes
- advanced preview
- auto update on save (it retains its state (zoom, position, ...))
- change background (transparent, white, black, bright checkerboard, dark checkerboard), choose background everywhere or only behind the svg
- zoom in/out, move around
- show the user coordinates, right-click to make the coodinates stay after moving mouse
- reset to default zoom and position
- preview button
How to get it
It is available on the VSCode marketplace
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