Switch between Code/Test
A command that allows you to quickly switch between test and code.
Press ctrl+shift+a toggle between test/file.spec.js and file.js
Or use the command: Switch between Code/Test
Default keybinding:
ctrl+shift+a (macOS: cmd+shift+a )
For now, this plugin is not configurable and assumes the directory structure in the above example.
V0.0.9 : Add support for hybrid .ts/.js workflows (@martinslota)
V0.0.8 : Refactor and fix inconsistencies
V0.0.7 : Add support for .ts and src folder (@martinslota)
V0.0.6 : /some/subdir/test folder location now supported (@papaendrou)
V0.0.5 : Ask before creating files
V0.0.4 : Add support for alternative "tests" folder
V0.0.3 : Create path if it does not exist
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