BetonQuest Code SnippetsCode snippets version BetonQuest is a plugin that allows you to create complex rpg styled quests on your Spigot Minecraft server. This extension simplifies the process of creating quests by providing code snippets for all events, conditions and objectives. Features
Known IssuesReport new Issues here Release Notes2.2.0
2.1.0Notify has been marked as an optional option for all objectives. 2.0.0All snippets have been overhauled to work with BetonQuest 1.12. They also now feature proper completion options. Additionally, conversation snippets have been added. 1.0.1Some updates to the README file and fixed an error in the Folder Event Snippets. 1.0.0A first release that includes a bundle of snippets for all events, conditions and events that are natively supported by BetonQuest. |