SMWMapLens READMEAvailable on the marketplaceLink here FeaturesGives "on hover" tooltips about RAM/ROM/Regs addresses of Super Mario World. All the information is directly taken from the SMWC Maps. RequirementsRequirements (non-dev ones): Known IssuesMay not work perfectly with registers and some rom addresses. False positives may occur. Please let me know with an issue if it happens. Extra creditsSearchbar icon made by AmperSam Release Notes0.0.1Initial release 0.0.6 - 0.0.9Search in sidebar has been added 0.1Changed sidebar icon, fixed a couple of bugs 0.1.1Ignore comment char in addition to whitespace #1 0.1.2Make it so hijacks are also shown when hovering over ROM addresses. 0.1.3Show "most specific" address instead of the first one found, this is usually the one with the smallest range. #2 Fix a bug where the on-hover would not show up if the address was at the start of the line. Demonstration |