Assembly version loaderA build task that reads the assembly file attributes from a compiled assembly file and makes them available as build variables. This extension was created from the need to have a full assembly version places into nuspec files. This extension will extract the required version data from your compiled DLL file(s). ArgumentsSource assembly fileThe .dll file to load and make available as variables. Variables PrefixThe value entered here will be prefixed to each variable name generated. This can be useful when using this task multiple times during a build and pointing each task to different assembly files. Example:
Generated VariablesFor each assembly attribute in the .dll, a build variable will be created in the format of: Example:
CreditsThis extension was created out of inspiration of (and derived from): About PaulA software developer for over 15 years, currently self-employed as a freelancer (Apula IT). I make software humane by conforming it to the users needs. |