Model version filename : The file to get the version (for example a dll or exe file who have a non-empty (FileVersion) field to copy from.
Ex: myApplication.dll
Force version number : If no empty this value will be directly paste in the <version> field of the .nuspec file
**Log example : ** (with Force version number option activated)
2017-04-27T14:53:48.3223011Z Parameters : nuspecFileName=MyApplication.nuspec, modelVersionFileName=MyApplication.dll, forceToVersion=
2017-04-27T14:53:48.3223011Z Starting NugetVersionSynchronizerTask
2017-04-27T14:53:48.3223011Z Location : D:\A01_work\c624c7979\MyApplication Production\drop
2017-04-27T14:53:48.3848091Z Attempting to force set version to nuspec file D:\A01_work\c624c7979\MyApplication Production\drop\MyApplication.nuspec
2017-04-27T14:53:48.3848091Z Attempting to load file D:\A01_work\c624c7979\MyApplication Production\drop\MyApplication.nuspec
2017-04-27T14:53:48.3848091Z Attempting to get package node
2017-04-27T14:53:48.3848091Z Set version value from to
2017-04-27T14:53:48.4004258Z Attempting to save file D:\A01_work\c624c7979\MyApplication Production\drop\MyApplication.nuspec
2017-04-27T14:53:48.4004258Z Ending NugetVersionSynchronizerTask
Credits : Jean-Michel Michel, Alm Team, Cdiscount France.