Press Alt+B to build and run in outputchannel with I/O redirections.
Press Alt+N to stop program manually.
Bonus Features
Works for Python and Java 11+ too!
Install mingw64 or other C/C++ compiler.
Make sure g++ is available in PATH or setup compiler dirctory in settings.
Similar for Java/Python if you want to run Java/Python.
run.compiler: Set compiler name e.g. g++ if already set in path. Otherwise, full path ${workspaceFolder}\\mingw\\bin\\g++.exe
run.compilerArgs: Set any optional Arguments separated by spaces for compilation. For example, -O2 -std=c++14
run.timelimit: Set time limit, maximum amount of time your programm is allowed to run.
run.programArgs: Set arguments to pass for executable program.
run.inputFile: Set Full path of the input file. e.g ${workspaceFolder}\\Input.txt
run.outputFile: Set Full path of the output file. e.g ${workspaceFolder}\\Output.txt
run.compilerDirectory: Full path of the Compiler bin Directory. e.g ${workspaceFolder}\\MinGW64\\bin. (Optional, if already added in environment varible path.)
${workspaceFolder}: substitutes with active workspace folder path.