Solidity by Ackee Blockchain SecurityEthereum Solidity and local node testing with security features for Visual Studio Code. This extension adds language support for Solidity to Visual Studio Code, and provides a Remix-like experience for testing contracts on your local network. Benefits:
Test and interact with your smart contracts on an Ethereum local nodeCompile and deploy contractsCompile your contracts and deploy them on a local chain for testing Interact with contractsTest your deployed contracts by interacting with them using function calls with different inputs See vulnerabilities from static analysis in real-timeFree detections with leading security tool WakeCatch potential issues early with real-time static analysis Security Overview in the SidebarGet an overall overview of issues in your project Compilation ErrorsSee compilation errors highlighted in code Best code navigation experience, call-graphs and moreGo to definitionQuickly navigate to any function or variable definition with a click Find referencesRight click to see a context menu, and use it to find all references Document LinksClick and jump to linked files and resources HoverUse hover to see instant documentation in your code Contract OutlineNavigate big projects with ease using the Contract Outline Code LensCode Lens shows you relevant information like functions selectors and parameter references inside your code GraphsVisualise contract inheritance and function control flows with graphs RequirementsThe Solidity extension uses the PyPi package eth-wake which requires Python 3.8 or higher. This package is automatically installed via conda by default. Rosetta is required to be enabled on Apple Silicon Macs. Creditsjuanfranblanco/vscode-solidity: a base of our Solidity grammar joaompinto/vscode-graphviz: a base of our Graphviz integration Feedback, help and newsGet help and give feedback in our Discord Follow Ackee on Twitter Known Issues
It is always recommended to open a project as a folder (
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