Checks if there are any breaking and other changes made to a Swagger file in Working Tree. It will help the Developers to know the impact of the changes they are applying.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command, and press enter.
This is a Visual Studio Code Extension that compares the changes made to a Swagger 2.0 spec and shows the Breaking and other changes in a table format.
It will help Developers to know the impact of the changes they applied.
side by side and diff view's might take a bit more time, based on the file size
How To Use
To view the changes:
Open any Swagger 2.0 spec file with working changes (or) Open 2 Swagger 2.0 spec files in a split view (i.e. side-by-side) (or) Open diff for a Swagger 2.0 spec file (also supports viewing diff from older commits using GitLens)
Open Command Palette ( ctrl + shift + p ) and run the command Swagger Diff
Or use the keyboard shortcut shift + alt + d
The results will be shown in a new WebViewPanel
To Copy the Output:
Click anywhere in the result panel
click ctrl + a (or cmd + a for mac) to select all contents
click ctrl + c (or cmd + c for mac) to copy the selected contents
Reading the Diff
There are 2 types of changes:
breaking change
smooth change
Breaking changes
Delete path
Rename path operationId
Delete/Rename parametters
Add a constraint on a parametter (like isRequired)
Modify a response item
In the extension the breaking changes are considered as Error level
Smooth changes
Add a path
Add a param
Add response item
Add/Update descriptions
In the extension the smooth changes are considered as Warning level
In some Scenarios the utility may be unable to categorize the change, they will be coming under UnCategorized level
It works for Swagger 2.0 specs only
The file must be a part of a git repository
Release Notes
Added a default Keyboard Shortcut
Added new functionality to compare 2 swagger files opened side by side (also works for git diff and GitLens)
Initial release
Swagger Viewer utilizes the following open source projects