This is a Visual Studio Code Extension that will allow to execute a configurable command on selected file.
Now you can execute your custom scripts/commands on files without leaving VS Code in a easier way.
Fork From Save and Run Extension, but works with only single command/file Filter, hence simpler to configure and use.
Configurable command
Working Directory can also be configured
Regex pattern matching for files that trigger commands running
Silent Mode
Run any VS Code Commands / Extensions before/after executing the command
Any unsaved changes in the file will be saved before running the command
The following commands are exposed in the command palette
Run Me: Execute File
The following keyboard shortcuts are exposed in the command palette
ctrl + alt + e / cmd + alt + e - to run the command on open file
The following attributes can be configured from Settings:
Command - Command to be run on selected file.
FileFilter - A regex for matching which files to run command on
WorkDir - Working Directory where the command should be run
Silent.Enabled - Doesn't show the terminal when the command is run.
Silent.ShowConfirmation - Show pop up to confirm that command is running (only when silent mode is enabled)
Advanced.runVSCommandsBeforeRun - VS Code Commands or Extension to be run before execution of command
Advanced.runVSCommandsAfterRun - VS Code Commands or Extension to be run after execution of command
Placeholder Tokens
Command supports placeholders similar to tasks.json.
${workspaceRoot} - workspace root folder
${workspaceFolder} - the path of the folder opened in VS Code
${file} - path of file
${relativeFile} - relative path of file
${fileBasename} - file's basename
${fileDirname} - directory name of file
${fileExtname} - extension (including .) of file
${fileBasenameNoExt} - file's basename without extension
${cwd} - current working directory
Environment Variable Tokens
${env.Name} - example: ${env.PATH}
Release Notes
Initial release
Run Me follows some procedures similar to implementation in the following open source projects