correctly supports template: ` ` in Angular's @Component
Quick start
Install this extension from the VSCode Marketplace (or by entering ext install 0x8b.ngx-translate-manager at the command palette Ctrl+P).
Open an Angular project and create assets/i18n/en.json file.
How to…
…add translation to dictionary?
Select the text you want to add to the dictionary.
Enter the key in dialog box.
…get list of all available keys?
Type _. to get intellisense completions list.
…to search key for selected text?
Pick the best matching key.
This extension provides options in VSCode's configuration settings. You can find the settings under File > Preferences > Settings > Extensions > ngx-translate-manager.
Some highlights:
ngx-translate-manager.locale - a glob pattern that defines files and folders to search for. The glob pattern will be matched against the paths of resulting matches relative to their workspace. By default **/assets/i18n/en.json.
ngx-translate-manager.exclude - a glob pattern that defines files and folders to exclude. By default **/node_modules/**.
ngx-translate-manager.pattern - a glob pattern that specify files which can use extension. By default **/*.{html,js,ts}.
Feel free to submit issues and enhancement requests.
Please run tests npm run test before you submit a Pull request.