OpenEdge ABL language support for VS Code
This is a language support for Visual Studio Code. I have decided to put this up and make it public as there is no such extension.
Syntax definition is not in this repository
For issues and other things regarding syntax definition, see
Things that do NOT work
- Grammar scopes are not supported right now, but will be; see Priorities
- My first priority is fixing issues
- My second priority is adding missing keywords, support for abbreviations and other
- When those two points are done, I plan to completely rewrite the grammar to support scopes and other features of
TextMate grammar
What you should know about me
- I do not use OOP aspects of ABL, so there may be some gaps
- This is my first
TextMate language grammar
- This is my first opensource project
That being said, I am super enthusiasthic helping the OpenEdge community. Any suggestions, help, feedback, advice, and critic is appreciated.
Release notes
- Added support for cls extension (thanks simondrum)
- Change submodule url to https
- reverted:
=*/ is not end of a comment, it is parameter
- Added partial support for escape characters
=*/ is not end of a comment, it is parameter
- Fix: Consecutive comments on single line do not work as expected
- Fix: Significant performance loss after adding support for abbreviations
- Preprocesor names marked as functions; temp. solution
- Fix: comment regex not escaped properly
- Fix: < and > are special characters; keywords set to match whole word only
- Added more information about package
- Icon added
- Updated readme to help users reach me
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