Console Logger
Console Logger is a simple VS Code extension to create log message via command or action button.
This setting controls the text color of the logged message.
- Options: Any CSS defined color (see: CSS Color)
- Default: cyan
This setting controls the background color of the logged message.
- Options: Any CSS defined color (see: CSS Color)
- Default: NONE
This setting controls the font size color of the logged message.
- Options: Any CSS defined font size (see: CSS Font Size)
- Default: NONE
This setting controls the type of quotation mark to wrap the log message in.
- Options:
Double : "..."
Single : '...'
Backtick : `...`
- Default: Single
This setting controls the type of output terminal to write the log message to.
- Options:
console (JavaScript/TypeScript)
Serial (C/C++)
- Default: console
This setting controls the logging function used to log to the output terminal.
- Options:
log : (console)
debug : (console)
print : (Serial)
printf : (Serial)
println : (Serial)
- Default: log
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