export type CmdOPt = TerminalOptions & {
/** 运行完成是否自动关闭(auto close when complete run a cmd) */
completeClose?: boolean;
/** 是否隐藏(is hide terminal when run cmd) */
hide?: boolean;
/** 是否先执行其他命令 (is run other cmd before) */
before?: string[];
/** 是否通过task来执行 (is run cmd through task just like workbench.action.tasks.runTask) */
is_task?: boolean;
vscode terminal 并没有 api 通知一条命令执行完成, 这个功能是通过监听 terminal 的输出来实现的, window 和 linux 的默认结束字符 >$, 如果监听到存在这两个字符结尾, 那么就是一条命令执行完毕;
但是在某些情况下 terminal 的结束并不是以那两个字符结尾, 那么需要在的命令结尾加上#waitStr(theWaitStr)
(vscode doesn't provide api to notify when run cmd complete, this extension listen terminal output(onDidWriteData), it decide end when find output end with end char >$ (windows or linux default terminal), terminal sometime desn't end with that two char, you need add #waitStr(theWaitStr) to end of the line, to tell cmfFlow what str is the end sign)