NetCDF Explorer
A Visual Studio Code extension for exploring NetCDF files. This extension allows you to quickly view the structure and metadata of NetCDF files directly in VSCode.
- View NetCDF file structure and metadata with a single click
- Support for both Windows and WSL environments
- Automatic generation of markdown documentation for NetCDF files
- Context menu integration for .nc files
- Visual Studio Code 1.85.0 or higher
- Python 3.x with netCDF4 package installed
For Windows Users:
# Install Python and netCDF4 package
pip install netCDF4
For WSL Users:
# Install required packages
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
pip3 install netCDF4
- Install through VS Code Extensions. Search for "NetCDF Explorer"
- Install through VSIX file:
- Download the .vsix file
- Run
code --install-extension netcdf-explorer-0.0.2.vsix
- Right-click on a .nc file in the VSCode explorer
- Select "Show NetCDF Info" from the context menu
- A new markdown file will be created with the NetCDF file's structure and metadata
Features in Detail
The extension provides detailed information about your NetCDF files:
- Basic file information (name, size)
- Dimensions
- Variables and their attributes
- Global attributes
- Data types and shapes
Known Issues
- Some special characters in file paths may cause issues in WSL environment
- Large NetCDF files may take longer to process
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Release Notes
0.0.2 (Current)
- Fixed WSL path handling issues
- Improved documentation and README
- Enhanced error handling
- Initial release
- Basic NetCDF file information extraction
- Markdown format output
- Support for Chinese paths and content
Quick Demo / 快速演示

Note: If the demo GIF is not visible, you can find it in the GitHub repository.
The demo shows how to:
- View NetCDF file metadata with a right-click
- Generate a structured file
- Use the metadata in Cursor's context for enhanced AI programming
- 通过右键点击查看NetCDF文件元数据
- 生成结构化的.info.md文件
- 将NetCDF文件元数据加入到cursor的context中,提供编程效率和自动化程度
Why NetCDF Explorer? / 为什么选择NetCDF Explorer?
- Python-based: Replace NCL with modern Python ecosystem / 使用Python生态系统替代NCL
- AI-Ready: Generate structured metadata for AI programming / 为AI编程生成结构化元数据
- Integration: Enhance automation with Cursor, CLine, and GitHub Copilot / 提升使用Cursor、CLine、GitHub Copilot等工具的自动化程度
# NetCDF File Information
## Basic Information
- **Filename**:
- **Size**: 10.5 MB
## Dimensions
- **time**: 12
- **lat**: 180
- **lon**: 360
## Variables
### temperature
- **Type**: float32
- **Shape**: (12, 180, 360)
- **Dimensions**: time(12), lat(180), lon(360)
- **Attributes**:
- units: Kelvin
- long_name: Surface Temperature
Troubleshooting / 常见问题
- "Show NetCDF Info" missing: Reload VSCode / 重新加载VSCode
- Error reading file: Check Python and netCDF4 installation / 检查Python和netCDF4安装
- Character encoding issues: Ensure UTF-8 encoding / 确保UTF-8编码
Version History / 版本历史
0.0.2 (Current)
- Fixed WSL path handling issues
- Improved documentation and README
- Enhanced error handling
- Initial release
- Basic NetCDF file information extraction
- Markdown format output
- Support for Chinese paths and content