fuckdb helps you fuck the db when you write go struct.
fuckdb generates a go compatible struct type with the required column names, data types, and annotations just fill in the database information in the web UI. Making go web develop very easy by saving a lot of time writing structure.fuckdbis based/inspired by the work of Seth Shelnutt's db2struct, and Db2Struct is based/inspired by the work of ChimeraCoder's gojson package gojson.
Web UI
Easy to use
Only a few clicks on the web UI can generate the corresponding golang struct with ORM or json or xm ... tags.
How to use?
Docker deploy
modify your backend ip in frontend/src/config/index.js
docker-compose up -d
Use localhost:8081 you will get the next page
Just Put your mariaDB/mysql info into it and you will get your golang code.