Dependency & Dependent
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Explore dependencies and dependents (references) in tree view.

Dependencies & dependents Tree
Analysis dependencies and dependents, and display through the tree view.
Lock & Unlock Tree
If we locked, the tree will not change when open another files.
Entry Points
config entry points to find dependencies and dependents. Default:
["src/**/*.{ts,js,tsx,jsx,vue}", "app/**/*.{ts,js,tsx,jsx,vue}"]
By default, all ts,js,tsx,jsx,vue
files in src
and app
will as entry points. If the entry points of your project are not in the default setting, you can add them.
config finding dependencies in these conditions. Default:
If you need to excludes other files, you can add them. If you want to find the dependencies and dependents of node_modules
, you can delete the node_modules
in the dependencyDependent.excludes
Config webpack
2. Modify the webpack configuration for this extension
You can modify any webpack configuration in .vscode/dependency-dependent-webpack-config.js
Some dependencies may be imported according special configurations (for example: webpack alias), these dependencies can't be collected by default, you can config webpack to collect them.
Because update the dependency data may take lots of time. This extension will not automatically update the dependency data, you need to manually click the refresh button to update the dependency data.
Install via CLI
code --install-extension zjffun.dependency-dependent