This is a vscode debugger extension for javacard virtual machine for java language(for javacard),support .msk file and .cap file(cap file should have debug component)
auto load workspace directory files debug information
support debug continue, step over, step into, step out
display class fields and local variables
support start jcvm from extern
support dump loaded debug info to file when start debug
visual studio code environment
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
workdirectory: opened directory,use default value ${cwd}
jcvmip: optional debugger ip and port, default
logfile: optional para to set print of log information, "stdout"/file path
jcrepath: optional para to specify the masked file
jcvmpath: path to extern jcvm to debug, optional
jcvmpara: extern jcvm debug parameters, optional
debuginfo: file path, once specified, dump the loaded debuginfo to the file, optional
Use Guides
install visual studio code
open extension panel,click more button, install from VSIX
select the extension VSIX file
restart visual studio code
open your java card project directory or jcre directory
select debug menu, open configuragion, then select Jcvm Debug configuration
ok, save the auto generated launch.json file
launch your jcvm.exe, or specify the jcvmpath in launch.json file
if debug cap file, then load your cap into the jcvm.exe
press F5 to debug your code
Known Issues
Calling out known issues can help limit users opening duplicate issues against your extension.