vscode-tabreplacechar READMEThis is a simple extension for vscode. It does one thing, when tab is pressed, it tries to replace the character before each cursor. A language specific conversion table is used to control the action. Why this extensionSome languages such as markdown use punctuations to format the text. For example, markdown uses "[]" to enclose link text. This would cause a problem when inputting languages which have a different set of punctuations. A Chinese Input Method would give you "【】" when you type "[]". This extension helps with this problem by using tab to converse the just inputted character from "【" to "[", or from "】" to "]". The conversion can be configured for different languages. 做这个extension的动机是源自一个问题。我用mac拼音输入法编辑markdown的时候,经常需要切换输入法,因为markdown使用很多的半角标点来格式化文本。比如我需要"["的时候,拼音输入法却给我"【"。所以为了输入半角标点,要么切换到英文,要么直接在拼音输入法中输入半角标点(High Sierra支持这个特性)。前一种方案比较麻烦,而后一种方案不符合我的使用习惯。我希望输入中文的时候还是使用中文的全角标点。这个extension很简单,配置好以后,当你输入"【"后,敲击tab健,就可以转化为半角的"["。 Extension SettingsThis extension contributes the following settings:
Here is an example configuration specialized for markdown:
Known IssuesCalling out known issues can help limit users opening duplicate issues against your extension. Release NotesDebut 0.0.1Initial version Credit: