Comment Bars, in the context of this extension, are comments in your
code that help to separate your work into logical sections. Here are some
Comment Bars using C-style comments:
Plain separator, no text:
/* ====================================================== */
/* ====================================================== */
/* ====================================================== */
Same as above, with added text:
/* ====================================================== */
/* ================== Comment Bars Rock ================= */
/* ====================================================== */
Want to customize width, dash (fill) character or thickness? No problem!
/* -------- Thinner ------- */
The Comment Bars extension automatically generates these separators.
Seamless Filling
When seamless filling is enabled, the Comment Bars extension will attempt to
remove spaces between the comment delimeters and the fill characters. This ONLY
happens if the bordering character of the delimeters is the same character as
the fill character. Take a look at some examples.
The following examples were generated by the plugin, with a Python
source code file active. Python uses the #
symbol to start single
line comments. As a result, these examples are applicaple to any
syntax with a similar comment format. Lets get to it!
Python comment bar without seamless filling:
# ######################################################## #
# ##################### Not Seamless ##################### #
# ######################################################## #
Notice the spaces after the starting #
symbol and before the
ending #
symbol, on each line.
Lets try that again, this time with seamless filling:
######################### Seamless #########################
Now those spaces are gone! Magic!
Lets change the fill character from the last example (still with seamless
filling turned on):
# ======================================================== #
# ======================= Seamless? ====================== #
# ======================================================== #
Notice that the spaces between the comment delimeters
and the fill characters come back now. This is the intended operation
of seamless filling.
Activating Seamless Filling
At the moment, seamless filling is only available by using quick presets.
In order to use this extension there are a few terms that you should
be aware of.
fill character — A single character of text that
is repeated across the entire width of the comment bar.
comment delimter — The string of code that a programming
language looks for to indicate the beginning or end of a comment.
Commands and Instructions
— labeled "Comment Bars:
Generate (Advanced)" in Command Palette. Generate a comment
bar using Advanced mode.
Command Instructions:
- If you wish for your comment bar to contain text, type the text
on an empty line and select it. Otherwise move the cursor to
the empty line where you wish to insert the comment bar.
- Open the Command Palette:
on Windows and Linux,
on Mac
- Find and run the command called Comment Bars: Generate (Advanced)
- Enter the the requested information in the boxes that pop up at
the top of the editor.
— labeled "Comment Bars:
Generate (Quick)" in Command Palette. Generate a comment bar
using a preset style (Quick mode).
Command Instructions:
- If you wish for your comment bar to contain text, type the text
on an empty line and select it. Otherwise move the cursor to
the empty line where you wish to insert the comment bar.
- Open the Command Palette:
on Windows and Linux,
on Mac
- Find and run the command called Comment Bars: Generate (Quick)
- Select the appropriate comment bar preset style from the list.
The presets can be customized with the
This extension is highly configurable. The following lists the
available settings for customizing the plugin:
(see Terminology)
— The default fill character. At the moment this is currently
only used by the Advanced mode since quickPresets
requires a fill
character to be specified. Must be a string with a length of 1.
— The available preset styles for Quick mode.
Must be an array of objects. Each object accepts the following keys:
— The name of the preset to display in the selection menu
— The fill character to use when this preset style
is selected
— The width of comment bars created using this preset style
— The number of lines tall the comment bar will be, when
using this preset style. This value will be rounded up to the nearest odd
number in order to keep the text centered vertically.
(see Seamless Filling) —
Optional, Enable seamless filling? Must be a bool
(Default: false
(see Comment Delimters)
— The set of comment delimeters that is meant to be
overridden by the user, or in workspace settings. The default value is empty.
(see Comment Delimeters)
— The global set of comment delimeters. The default value contains
delimeters for most languages VSCode has built-in support for.
Advanced Configuration
There are currently two settings that can be customized to alter the
comment delimters used by this extension:
To make things easier they will be referred to as
simply commentDelimsUser
and commentDelimsFallback
, for
the rest of this section.
Both of these settings share the same format, which is described
Delimeter configurations must be an object in the
following format (Documentation formatting loosely based on
The default comment delimeters for most languages in Comment
bars use single line comments. In these cases, the start delimeter
is repeated as the end delimeter for symmetry.
Known Issues
If you spot any bugs, please open a new issue at this extension's
GitHub repository!
The following is a list of all major issues with the Comment Bars
- There are no known issues at this time
Release Notes
See the changelog in this extension's GitHub repository.
Happy Coding!