Sometimes mac and win have different keys, but in most of cases CTRL = CMD.
Important Defaults
Never Close Windows on CTRL+W
CTRL+N: Create file always in explorer. It means, that you need to first name it and only then you can write code.
CTRL+SHIFT+D: Duplicate line, because default shortcuts with arrows are bad.
CTRL+K S: Start main NPM script (start, dev, watch etc). (for save all use alt+ctrl+s)
CTRL+U and CTRL+J reassigned to match better terminal workflow (CTRL+J for toggling visibility only, focus always on editor)
What's New
These are less important.
alt+cmd+S or ctrl+alt+s: Save all files. Because we don't have built-in key.
ctrl+k ctrl+b: Toggle sidebar. ctrl+b won't work in .MD files with Markdown extension.
(mac) alt+escape Show parameter hints (to trigger autocomplete: CMD+I)
Keybindings to Remove
tab: acceptSelectedSuggestion
tab: insertSnippet
ctrl+': editor.togglequotes
ctrl+shift+t: surround.with
Ctrl+/ new typescript import – I reassigned it also because I often misclick that button, because of one-level enter. I don't really use this shortcut right now.