Click on any line of code in your Mercurial-based project and get all the info out of it!
Quickstart 🌟
1 - Click on Ctrl + Shift + P (or F1).
2 - Type in the search: Mercurial Lens .
3 - You're all set! Now click on any line and wait for the magic to arise.
You can now finally know:
- Who changed a line of code
- When the change happened
- What was the reason behind this change (commit message)
- [SPECIAL] On which branch did this change happen
Latest features (v0.0.2)
- Added support for Unix-based systems (MacOS, Linux, WSL, etc.)
Upcoming features ⏳
- Improving the performance/speed of showing the message
- Showing diff code
- Fixing some bugs in the display
- And much more!
Stay Tuned
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