workbench-mr.accessToken: Access token to use to connect to the API. Create one by going to Profile Settings -> Access Tokens.
workbench-mr.accessTokens: Access token to use to connect to Gitlab CE/EE APIs. Create one by going to Profile Settings -> Access Tokens.
workbench-mr.apiVersion: Gitlab API version. Note, v4 is the only supported API version, but this setting can be used as an escape hatch in case your Gitlab instance is still on v3.
workbench-mr.targetBranch: Default target branch for MRs (defaults to master).
workbench-mr.targetRemote: Default target remote for MRs (defaults to origin).
workbench-mr.useDefaultBranch: When creating MRs, use default_branch set in repository as target branch.;
workbench-mr.autoOpenMr: Open newly created MRs in your browser.
workbench-mr.openToEdit: Open and edit newly created MRs in your browser.
workbench-mr.removeSourceBranch: When creating MRs, enable the option to remove the source branch after merging.