This extension will help you quickly deploy constructs for writing a telegram bot in Python using tags, using the aiogram library.
In the future, the extension will be supplemented with new tagss for more comfortable and fast writing of telegram bots.
Adding new tags
pip install aiogram
!bot - The start command creates the initial code suitable for starting the creation of the bot. Importing modules, a token, and launching a bot.
!start - Creates a start command handler.
!command - Creates a command handler.
!callback - Creates a callback handler.
!message - Creates send.message.
!callmessage - Creates call.send.message.
!editmessage - Creates send+edit.message.
!delmessage - Creates send+delete.message.
!inlinekeyboard - Creates an inline keyboard structure.
!replykeyboard - Creates a reply keyboard structure.
Telegram Web Button
If you have launched a bot and you need to go to Telegram, then you can use the Open Telegram Web button. When you click on the button, Telegram Web will open in your browser.
Release Notes
Testing the extensionAdding test tagsCreating and formatting a README
Adding new tagsAdding a Telegram Web buttonBug fixes