Have a shell command that you'd like to see the output from all the time? This extension displays the output of any shell command in a tree view, refreshing continuously.
Specify the shell, working directory, and shell command.
For example if there is an image subfolder under your extension project workspace:
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
shell-command-status.shell: Defaults to "bash"
shell-command-status.cwd: The working directory where the command should be run.
shell-command-status.listCommand: The command to run. Each line of this command's output will be shown as an item in a tree view.
Known Issues
Specifying escape sequences in the command can only be done from the json settings view.
Only one command can be specified.
The frequency with which the command runs is not configurable. (The command is always started 0.5 seconds after the last run ends.)