Open Command Palette with ⇧⌘P or Ctrl+Shift+P, select noteGPT: New dialogue to create a new dialogue markdown file
Create a user message with noteGPT: New user message
Input the user text after the html comment <!-- {role: user} -->
Open Command Palette and select noteGPT: Completion
(A OpenAI secret key is required for the first time running completion)
Wait for the completion ends
Repeat step 2 to step 6
You can add a yaml header in beginning of the markdown file to change some properties for the dialogue.
model: gpt-4
temperature: 1
role: system
You are ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI. Follow the user's instructions carefully. Respond using markdown.
<!-- {role: user} -->
## User
<!-- {role: assistant} -->
## Assistant
<!-- {role: user} -->
## User
<!-- {role: assistant} -->
## Assistant
If you use noteGPT with proxy, make sure to turn Http: Proxy Support (http.proxySupport) to "fallback" or "off" in vscode settings. Otherwise noteGPT's proxy settings may be override by vscode.