This extension contributes a new language, aspx. The new language is for illustration purpose and has basic syntax highlighting.
This Language Server works for aspx file. HTML1 is like HTML file but has file extension .aspx. You can create a test.aspx file to play with below functionaltiies:
Completions for HTML tags
Completions for CSS in <style> tag
Diagnostics for CSS
Running the Sample
Run npm install in this folder. This installs all necessary npm modules in both the client and server folder
Open VS Code on this folder.
Press Ctrl+Shift+B to compile the client and server.
Switch to the Debug viewlet.
Select Launch Client from the drop down.
Run the launch config.
If you want to debug the server as well use the launch configuration Attach to Server
In the [Extension Development Host] instance of VSCode, open a HTML document
Type <d| to try HTML completion
Type <style>.foo { c| }</style> to try CSS completino
Have <style>.foo { }</style> to see CSS Diagnostics