AVProbe (VSCode Extension)
Display the information of Audio/Video files using the built-in ffmpeg/ffprobe.
Core functionality is built upon FFmpeg, while the user interface leverages Vue and Ant-Design-Vue.
- [x] Support macOS, Windows, Linux
- [x] Support VSCode Remote / Dev containers
- [x] Support mp4/mkv/mov/webm and others
- [x] Display basic information such as streams, formats, etc
- [x] Presents packets information in a table format
- [x] Enhanced User Interface (implemented using Vue3 + AntDesign for Vue)
- [x] Responsive Webview
- [x] Automatically switch between Light/Dark theme based on system settings
- [x] Support show decoder/encoder information supported by FFmpeg local/remote
- [x] Show decoders/encoders list
- [x] Support filtering by conditions like codec type and name
- [x] Preview specified frame
- [x] Support filter packets (Show key frames only)
- [ ] Support live streams like RTMP or http-flv
Stream info
note: (demo with light theme, support both light and dark)

Packets info

Decoders/Encoders info (demo with dark theme, support both light and dark)

How to use?
0. Prerequisite
Install the ffprobe / ffmpeg command-line tool.
AVProbe inspects media information through ffmpeg&ffprobe, so you need to install ffmpeg first.
1. Config ffmpeg
path & ffprobe

Simply right-click on the media file, then select ‘Audio/Video Probe’ to open it

3. Show decodes/encoders supported by FFmpeg on local/remote machine
Open Command Palette, input "AVProbe" or "encoders"/"decoders" to access the command as follows

DEBUG extension in VSCode
1. Install dependencies:
# cd project_root;
cd extension; npm install; cd -
cd ui_avprobe; npm install; cd -
cd ui_codec; npm install; cd -
2. Open with vscode
Open project folder with VSCode, then choose "Run -> Start Debugging" from menu bar
code .