g3-extension READMEit's a extension of vscode for the g3 system Featuresit include functions blow: 1.download the code files of the g3 system by search the 'g3 pull g3 files' command in the command palette 2.automatic update the file to the g3 system by Ctrl + S Requirements1.you hava to create the config.json file in the root of project. then and add username password codePassword publicPath fields in the config.json for example { "username": "", "password": "", "codePassword": "", "publicPath": "" } 2.start g3 extension by search the 'g3 start the g3 extension' command in the command palette or press Ctrl + F1 Known Issuesit will sava all the files when press the Ctrl + S keyboard but it only update current active edit file to g3 system. so you can press Ctrl + S in every updated files 0.0.1Initial release of ... 0.0.2update the README.md file 1.0.0add CRUD Function of the files add the Function of saveing files in batch |