Oni JavaScript Snippet
Oni JavaScript Snippet for Visual Studio Code
The extension that provide JavaScript and umi snippets for using in Visual Studio Code.
Recommended configurations
To keep snippets to show on the top of suggestions for easy using, use this configuration.
"editor.snippetSuggestions": "top"
JavaScript Snippets
like: define、forof、forin、foreach、function...
UMI Snippets
] Umi Mock
'/api/hello'(req, res) {
res.end(`hello ${Math.random()}`);
] Umi model subscriptions
setup({ dispatch, history }) {
return history.listen(({ pathname, query }) => {
if (pathname === '/') {
dispatch({ type: 'fetch', payload: query });
] Umi model effects
*fetch({ payload: { page = 1 } }, { call, put }) {
const { data, headers } = yield call(usersService.fetch, { page });
yield put({
type: 'save',
payload: {
total: parseInt(headers['x-total-count'], 10),
page: parseInt(page, 10),
] Umi service request
export function create(values) {
return request('/api/users', {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify(values),