This extension generates random data directly into VS Code.
It uses the great ChanceJS library written by Victor Quinn and was inspired by the Random extension for Atom.
This extension can be installed with one the following methods:
Launch the Command Pallete (Cmd+Shift+P / Ctrl+Shift+P) and type Extensions: Install Extensions. Type vscode-random in the Side Bar search input. Click the install button and reload VS Code.
Click the Extensions icon in the View Bar. Type vscode-random in the Side Bar search input. Click the install button and reload VS Code.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (Cmd+P / Ctrl+P). Paste the command ext install vscode-random and press Enter.
Launch the Command Pallete (Cmd+Shift+P / Ctrl+Shift+P) and type random to view all the available data generators. Select one of them and press Enter.
Random values generation is also supported when using multiple editors.
vscodeRandom.contextMenu.enabled : Enable/disable the context menu for the available data generators (enabled by default).
Available Commands
extension.resetSeed : Reset seed - Initialize random generation library with a new seed. If no new seed is provided, the library will be reinitialized with the default options.
extension.randomByte : Random byte - Generates an integer between 0 and 255
extension.randomShort : Random short - Generates an integer between 0 and 65535
extension.randomInt : Random integer - Generates an integer between 0 and 4294967295
extension.randomLong : Random long - Generates an integer between 0 and 9007199254740992
extension.randomIntCustomRange : Random integer (custom range) - Generates a random integer within a given custom range
extension.randomGuid : Random guid - Generates a guid
extension.randomLetters, : Random letters (custom length) - Generates a string with a length defined by user input
extension.randomDigits, : Random digits (custom length) - Generates a string with a length defined by user input
extension.randomLettersDigits, : Random letters and digits (custom length) - Generates a string with a length defined by user input
extension.randomLowercaseLetters, : Random lowercase letters (custom length) - Generates a string with a length defined by user input
extension.randomLowercaseLettersDigits, : Random lowercase letters and digits (custom length) - Generates a string with a length defined by user input
extension.randomUppercaseLetters, : Random uppercase letters (custom length) - Generates a string with a length defined by user input
extension.randomUppercaseLettersDigits, : Random uppercase letters and digits (custom length) - Generates a string with a length defined by user input
extension.randomSampleFromInput : Random sample from input - Selects a random string from a comma-separated set of values
extension.randomName : Random name - Generates a random name (first and last name)
extension.randomStreetAddress : Random street address - Generates a random street address
extension.randomCity : Random city - Generates a random city name
extension.randomCountryCode : Random country code - Returns a random country code
extension.randomCountryName : Random country name - Returns a random country name
extension.randomPhoneNumber : Random phone number - Generates a random phone number
extension.randomEmail : Random email - Generates a random email with a random domain
extension.randomIP : Random IP - Generates a random IP address
extension.randomIPv6 : Random IPv6 - Generates a random IPv6 address
extension.randomUrl : Random Url - Generates a random Url
extension.randomHexColor : Random hexadecimal color - Generates a random hexadecimal color
extension.randomRgbColor : Random RGB color - Generates a random RGB color
extension.randomIban : Random IBAN - Generates a random IBAN
extension.randomRegEx : Random Regular Expression - Create random strings that match a given regular expression.
Change Log
You can check all the changes in the change log here.
Problems with the extension? Suggestions for improvements? Please create an issue or submit a PR on the Github repository. You can also ping me on twitter.