mythril README
- install Mythril:
pip3 install mythril
- install
"command": "mythril.analyzeActive",
"title": "Mythril: Analyze active Solidity contract"
"command": "mythril.analyzeAll",
"title": "Mythril: Analyze all Solidity contracts"

- Visual Studio Code extension for Mythril, security analysis tool for Ethereum smart contracts.
- Analyze current active solidity file or all opened solidity files.
- Code diagnostics on all source file lines.
- Handles imported contracts.
How to local dev
npm install to initialize the extension and the server
npm run compile to compile the extension and the server
- open this folder in VS Code. In the Debug viewlet, run 'Launch Client' from drop-down to launch the extension and attach to the extension.
- to debug the server use the 'Attach to Server' launch config.
- set breakpoints in the client or the server.
- add configurations
- open new tab with DocLink? needs discussion
- status bar
- analyzing animation
- icon
- exception handling, e.g., if user don't have
solc , myth installed.
- when analyzing multiple files, there is a chance the
~/.mythril/signatures.json gets corrupted due to it can't handle parallelism.
- the extra side view could not be diagnosed, should come up with a better design for displaying, might take some discussion.
- Can only handle opened multiple files, as the
documents object in server only have access to the opened ones.
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