This extension will display inline in the editor the size of the imported package. The extension utilizes webpack in order to detect the imported size.
Before enabling this package, you should have esbuild installed globally via npm i -g esbuild.
Currently this extension requires this package being installed in user system to work.
Calculates the size of imports and requires. Currently supports:
Selective importing: import {Func} from 'utils';
Selective importing with alias: import {orig as alias} from 'utils';
Submodule importing: import Func from 'utils/Func';
Default importing: import Func from 'utils';
Entire content importing: import * as Utils from 'utils';
Supports both Javascript and Typescript
Require: const Func = require('utils').Func;
Known Issues
Importing two libraries with a common dependency will show the size of both libraries isolated from each other, even if the common library needs to be imported only once.