The Copyright Inserter is a VS Code extension that adds a copyright and license header into editing files. The development was inspired by addlicense and autogen tools and comes to simplify the process of adding copyright and license into files during development by integrating with one of the most popular development environments.
When the extension command is invoked in the editor, a copyright and license header is inserted at the top of the file.
The extension captures the current language mode of the editor and uses the language configuration to decide where to insert the header and how to decorate it.
The header is usually inserted into the first line. However, for language modes such as shellscript, html and xml which has mandatory declarations in the first line, the header is inserted next after the declaration line.
The header is decorated using language's comment syntax. If the language has both block and line comments, the extension will use the block comments for the decoration.
The extension can be invoked by typing insert header or Copyright: insert header in the VSCode Command Palette. No key binding is defined at the moment.
Extension Settings
This extension adds the following settings into Extensions section under Copyright Inserter:
copyrightInserter.holder: a string describing the copyright holder. Default value is Google LLC
copyrightInserter.license: one of the following literals that define the copyright license: apache for Apache 2.0, bsd for BSD, mit for MIT, gpl3 for GPL version 3 and agpl3 for Affero GPL version 3. pbzc for Public Benefit Zero Copyright License 1.0. Default value is apache.
copyrightInserter.year: a string describing the copyright year. Default value is empty string. If the string is empty, the current year will be used.
copyrightInserter.useLineComment: a boolean flag to describe selection between block and line comments. Default is false.