VS Code Classic ThemeA Visual Studio Code color theme keeps the default Dark+ theme as it is. ScreenshotsLight:Dark:Doesn't look noticeably different from Dark+ theme? That's right, because this color theme only does one thing: keep the default color theme style the same forever, that's it. Why?The VS Code dev team introduced a new blue accent color for Dark Modern color theme in previous versions, but the accent color did not completely unify Dark Modern style, command palette and buttons did not match the accent color; Since then, the blue accent color has also been introduced into Visual Studio Code Dark+ theme, but the overall color of Dark+ theme is dark, and this blue color is abrupt and harsh, so this color theme will be restored to the original style of Dark+ theme. You can visit VS Code repo commit #daf1b14 for details. FAQQ: I think you're boring, what do you think? A: Well, maybe you are right, you say yes and that's it. :D |